Welcome to Hildasholmsmusiken 2024

14 – 22 September 2024

Dear Friends – past, present and future – Welcome!

For the fourth time we are back and start with a classic fiddler’s part followed by a firework of passionate musicianship. We offer everything from the great classics to contemporary works.

Our soloists are some of Scandinavia’s best, seasoned with a touch of Italian magic! Soloists, young and old, gather here to listen, play, sing, explore music and let themselves be surprised. We welcome music lovers everywhere, and a special thank you to all the parents who are indispensable in supporting their children in the arts.

It is an accepted truth, but still worth mentioning, how important music is to our children. To participate in and play music:

  • Improves attention
  • Develops concentration
  • Captures energy
  • Creates social awareness and interaction

And this applies to ALL children – musical or not!

In conclusion – our festival is not for tourists, even if they contribute financially. It is for those of you who live, work and play here in Dalarna, and aims to enrich the musical culture you are already known for.

Bless you, and see you soon!


Adam Munthe
Founder Hildasholmsmusiken